Keywords: cirix; published application; access;
Exact Error Msg: “To log on to this remote computer, you must have Terminal Server User Access permissions on this computer. By default, members of the Remote Desktop Users group have these permissions. If you are not a member of the Remote Desktop Users group or another group that has these permissions, or if the Remote Desktop User group does not have these permissions, you must be granted these permissions manually.”
Exact Error Screenshot:
Resolution: check there is no trailing or leading Space in the publised app name, or the user doesnt have the access permissions.
Exact Error Msg: “To log on to this remote computer, you must have Terminal Server User Access permissions on this computer. By default, members of the Remote Desktop Users group have these permissions. If you are not a member of the Remote Desktop Users group or another group that has these permissions, or if the Remote Desktop User group does not have these permissions, you must be granted these permissions manually.”
Exact Error Screenshot:

Resolution: check there is no trailing or leading Space in the publised app name, or the user doesnt have the access permissions.