Autoformat Citrix PVS Write Cache Drive
We wanted to Autoformat Citrix PVS Write Cache Drive of the PVS D drive (writecache) for things like Citrix logs, edgesight database. Otherwise the servers boot up first time and complain they cant create or access the pagefile.
Want the D Drive labelled with Server name so if ever they are moved or detached – its easy to identify.
Create a batchfile that does the following
diskpart.exe /s \serversharePVS_ddrive_creation.txt
shutdown.exe /r /t 001
Add this batchfile with additional logic to the regrunonce windows registry key or use Appsense EM to call the batchfile when deployed to a new machine.
Contents of PVS_DDrive_Creation (change to suit your needs)
select disk 0
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs Label=%computername%PVS quick
assign letter=d