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Migrating an Existing WordPress Site to AWS Lightsail


In this guide we will walk through the steps to to migrate an existing wordpress website to a new AWS Lightsail instance.

Create a New Lightsail Instance

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Log into the AWS management console
Click Create Instance
Choose the AWS Region, Platform, and Blueprint

As this is a wordpress example we have chosen

London, Linux and an Apps+OS using WordPress

If necessary generate a new SSH key pair and be sure to download the private key PEM file.
Choose your Instance plan
Give your instance a name
Click Create Instance

Setup your Lightsail Instance – Networking

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In Light sail > Instances > Left click your instance
Here you can connect to the instance via SSH

Click Connect using SSH

If you are keeping this instance then you should generate a Static IP Address for this instance so things like DNS can point to the server.

Click Networking > Create Static IP

Select the Instance to attach this static IP Address to and give your static ip a name
Click Create
Instantly the IP address will be added to the lightsail instance. If you had any ssh sessions opened previously you will need to reconnect

Note that you can have up to 5 static ip addresses for your account and they are free only if attached to running instances.

Setup your Lightsail Instance – Operating System

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In the Lightsail console home

Click you instance

Click connect using SSH

In the console type to obtain the password of the wordpress ‘user’ account generated by bitnami cat bitnami_application_password

Copy the password locally and keep it safe for later use

Currently bitnami wordpress is limited to 40MB Uploads. You can edit the php.ini file and increase this as per this Bitnami Support doc

Browse to /opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini


In php.ini find

And change it to:


In php.ini find

And change it to:

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.

post_max_size = 512M

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.

upload_max_filesize = 512M

Restart Apache


sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart


Update the WP All in one Plugin to work correctly upload files.

Known Error: Uploading a .wpress file from the local device would

In the console browse to

‘cd /opt/bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/plugins’



Unzip the file Command:


Log out of the console


Setup your Lightsail Instance – WordPress Settings

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User your internet browser to connect to the static IP address of your instance



User: user

Password: whatever you obtained from the previous step bitnami_application_password file in the console

Perform all wordpress updates – if available
Perform all plugin updates – if available
Update all themes – if available
Active the Wp All In One Migration Plugins
Click the Migration Import option in the left sidebar
Note the upload maximum is 512M (and not 40M)
Upload your .wpress file from a saved copy from your existing wordpress instance

(If you dont have one you can install the same Wp Migration plugin into your existing wordpress instance and ‘export’ it first so you can then import it to this new instance)

Warming: You must ALSO know the existing wordpress instances username and password as these will be overwritten when the import completes.

Click Proceed if happy to continue

Once complete be sure to click the ‘save permalinks structure’ and then click finish
Update your permalinks to your preferred format for your blog posts Choose the format, then click save

Site import complete

Final Steps

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You should update the lightsail instance(s) with

sudo apt-get update

You should update any additionally imported wordpress themes or plugins and test the website is functioning perfectly.

Especially things like contact us forms, reauthorising plugins (and moving stats for jetpack to this new site)

You may need to import other things like ads.txt file or SSL certificates.

See this article on how to create and import an SSL Cert into your Lightsail instance.

You should go back to the Lightsail console and take snapshots of your instance(s)

Click Create Snapshot

You Should also enable automatic snapshots, where lightsail will store 7 consecutive snapshots of your Lightsail instance, taken every 24 hours at the same time.


You should change your DNS settings to newly point to the static IP address of your new lightsail instance BEFORE you terminate your old website.

DNS time to live settings can be long so sometimes people may have cached the DNS record for your website with the old ip address for hours or even days.








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