Launching citrix apps fails with lock down requirements
After we removed the citrix desktop lockdown, and tried to launch a citrix desktop / application we received.
“Citrix online plug-in Configuration Manager: No value could be found for (ClientHostedApps) that satisfies all lockdown requirements. The lockdown requirements in force may be conflicting”.
1. goto HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownVirtual ChannelControl
2. Delete key ClientHostedApps as REG_SZ
(or worst case create it and set value to FALSE)
UPDATE 30/01/2013:
Upgrading from Citrix receiver 3.0 to 3.3 resulted in the same error when we upgraded our core desktop’s receiver (for end users to connect to second tier applications)
So far the only workaround we have is to delete the entire following key: HKEY_USERS%user_sid%SoftwareCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown Profiles
More to come (hopefully)