In this walkthrough we will create an LDAP policy for basic users of the NetScaler to authenticate against things like a new Virtual NetScaler Gateway. This profile however will be identical to the previous administrators policy, only we will be looking for another AD group. Instead of ‘Domain Admins’ we will look for users who […]
In this walkthrough we will create a LDAP policy for administrators of the NetScaler and bind it globally to the NetScaler Step Description Screenshot 1 Log into your NetScaler Expand System > Authentication > LDAP Tick the newly created policy and click Global Bindings 2 Click the > button to choose your newly created LDAP […]
Creating a NetScaler LDAP Authentication Policy for Administrators In this walkthrough we will create an LDAP policy for administrators of the NetScaler and point this new policy to our singular, private, internal Microsoft AD LDAP server. This will involve creating a server to bind to (i.e. telling the NetScaler what server to communicate with for […]
Step Description Screenshot Click on the Console button to get access to the VM console Your NetScaler should be finished initializing and prompting for an IPv4 Address as part of the first run wizard Provide an appropriate free IP address, subnet and default gateway from your local network Once the details are entered type ‘4’ […]
Install the NetScaler Trial License Only start this section once you have deployed your NetScaler on your chosen hypervisor platform. Step Description Screenshot When you access your NetScaler, and if you haven’t yet set a SNIP or a license you may be presented with the first run wizard You can click the ‘Licenses’ section to […]
Download the NetScaler Trial License Only start this section once you have deployed your NetScaler on your chosen hypervisor platform. Step Description Screenshot Expand Step 2, click on License Management System to register your temporary license key Sign in with the details you registered your trial license with Tick the Citrix Store NetScaler VPX 1000… […]
Step Description Screenshot 1 Connect to 2 Click Downloads Select NetScaler ADC as the product 3 Select the latest release Virtual Appliance (VPX) available to you Note: At the time of writing the latest is 11.1-48.10 4 Select VPX Package for New Installation Select the right package for your hypervisor Note: In the […]
Situation The Citrix cloud MCS connection to Microsoft Azure is unable to provision any Machien Catalog as its unable to find any images, disks, vhds or servers to base its Machine Catalog on. Citrix Cloud setup with Hosting connected direct to Microsoft Azure RM (and working as it can connect and see resources etc) 1 […]
Hey Everyone, Our “Masters of Cloud – Citrix NetScaler Introduction” course has recently been updated with a series of new videos, check it out now and as an added bonus there is a 50% discount link if you sign up before end of September! We hope you enjoy the updates and all the best […]
Situation: After a customer recently upgraded to Storefront 3.9 some users complained of having to authenticate twice when using various browsers. Once in Storefront and once again in a Windows Login prompt when they launch their selected application. This seems to be related to the way Storefront runs the receiver detection, if a compatible receiver […]