We have a number of functional expectations to test prior to Upgrading to Citrix Receiver 4.2. It is imperative that things as simple as ‘desktop shortcuts’, appropriate start menu integration and XenApp session sharing work to keep the end users happy and prevent the “same ole service calls being logged again”. Examples: A 100% dynamic client start […]
How to configure filtering for Citrix Storefront From our initial testing the Citrix Storefront Filtering are STORE specific, if you want different filters or one store for apps and another store for desktops you need to configure another separate store. From elevated PS prompt set execution-policy = unrestricted c:\program files\citrix\receiver storefront\scripts\ImportModules.ps1 Note: the siteid is […]
Problem: Citrix Receiver 4.2 BSOD (and 4.1) During the installation of the new Citrix Receiver 4.2 (and 4.1), laptops, desktops and VMs were all blue screening at about 70% through the installation process. STOP: 0x000000CA And on restart we received Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional information […]
So how does Apple Vs Android when running Citrix as a desktop replacement if we utilise them (android or apple devices) as replacements to our traditional desktop or laptop device? After recently getting access to the fantastic Citrix X1 mouse (thank you Citrix!) I decided to quickly put together the pros and cons of Android […]
The Citrix X1 Mouse prototype hardware solution is fantastic, it is easy to use, quick to pair and is fast enough to be used in most scenarios. (Long commutes to and from the office?) I personally believe this has the greatest benefit for the regular long distance commute but also has potential to also benefit companies […]
Situation Added a new list of Computers to begin accessing our App-V 5 Infrastructure. The access to the servers and share are driven by AD Group “App-V Citrix Computers” and “App-V LT or DT Computers” etc Error AppV 5 Publishing Error 0x74F00F0C Event ID: 1008, Error, Logname Microsoft-AppV-Client/Admin With creating the new group for desktops […]
In Short … HELL YES, see this PDF from Citrix with the large list of the improvements in XenServer 6.5 The new console is sleek and quick and a hell of an improvement over the previous with a number of bug fixes (notably for vGPU / VDI settings). It has a couple of new views (similar […]
When installing the PVS target agent the PVS Target fails to Copy. PVS is unable to work with the reserved windows partition. Follow this fantastic guide to move the boot files, set the C: drive active, reboot (sometimes twice) then delete the reserved partition and then start the PVS target again. http://danielruiz.net/category/citrix/pvs/page/2/
Situation: We had a number of production VMs running a Citrix desktop workload on Citrix Xenapp 6.5 via Citrix PVS 7.1 (SP3) with cache to RAM with overflow to hard drive, set at 2048Mb. VMware Hypervisor 5.5 and Appv 5 SP2 with HRP4 running in full infrastructure mode (no Microsoft SCCM) and 30GB of packages running […]
Introduction This article was created as a very quick reference between the Amazon’s AWS EC2 and Microsoft’s Azure. There was little in the way of scientific tests carried out, it is purely a list of observations during the testing so these results below are personal opinion / experience only. You should carry out your own […]