Situation: Our C: drive on a test PVS image (Private mode acccess) was nearly full We extended the vDisk following this process Open Cmd Prompt diskpart Select vDisk file=”Path to your PVS vDisk” List vDisk expand vDisk maximum=xxxxx (in Mb) (61440 for 60GB etc) attach vDisk list Disk list volume Select volume x extend List […]
Much to my elation it turns out the 2012 RDS License server and its 2012 CALS are compatible for use with Windows 2008 server. I can confirm this works and have tried it in my lab. 2012 RDS Licensing server with 10 x 2012 RDS CALS with a 2008 RDS pointing to the 2012 license server. […]
Situation: Rolling pool upgrade was greyed out for the two XenServer 6.0.2 hosts I had in a resource pool. The option to tick and select them all existed – but wouldnt ‘stick’ Solution: Simple one this one – it was more me being dense. Need to make sure your XenCenter console is first upgraded to the […]
Situation The OS was built and running fine on my SHuTTLE SH67 32GB, i7 CPU Vmware 5.1.0 box. Steps The moment i tried to copy a ISO (smaller files seemed to be ok) to or from the Windows 8.1 machine the entire ESXi box would PSOD. Connecting from the *.1 to a XenServer machien to […]
The Netscaler advanced Endpoint Analysis checks are quite literally only available with version It doesnt mean this version and greater, just this specific version. So if you are after the funky Advanced EPA scanning and cant enable or find it anywhere. 1) you have to run this version of the netscaler firmware, 2) you […]
Follow this one at your own risk, it hasn’t been thoroughly tested other than testing the fact the storefront site has actually been ‘removed’ so the end user is prompted to install / log in again. Scenario: Client upgrading from 1.2 storefront, wanted to change names or url, store and cert. Wanted 2.1 storefront. Didnt […]
My (non exhaustive) list of helpful Netscaler session policies expressions for EPA. SCAN REGISTRY (Advanced free-form) CLIENT.REG(‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters_Domain’).VALUE == domain.local CLIENT.REG(‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_64\\SOFTWARE\\McAfee\\AVEngine_AVDatVersion’).VALUE == 6198. CLIENT.REG(‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\McAfee\\AVEngine_AVDatVersion’).VALUE == 6198. CHECK FOR FILE EXISTENCE CLIENT.FILE(‘C:\\WindowsCompany_Laptop.txt’) CHECK FOR RUNNING PROCESS CLIENT.APPLICATION.PROCESS(firewall.exe) EXISTS CHECK OS VERSION (Match any expresssion) CLIENT.OS(winxp).SP == 2 CLIENT.OS(win7) EXISTS DETECT (or not) CITRIX RECEIVER (Match any) REQ.HTTP.HEADER […]
Situation: After an upgrade of our VPX devices to FW intermittent authentication issues appeared for the access gateway users. They would simply fail the LDAP bind, yet all monitors would be green with all services up. Our radius and LDAP authentication point internally to a LB VIP on the Netscaler first before connecting to the individual […]
Situation: We upgraded our Netscaler VPX from to and we were then unable to authenticate to the netscaler console using our LDAP credentials and users were unable to authenticate at the Access Gateway pages. Solution: During the VPX upgrade the Netscaler truncated the first 2 characters of each line of the Authentication server […]
Whilst this is relatively self explanatory there are a few things around doing this that are useful to know Log into the SDX and go to Configuration > Management Service > Backup Files > Action > Factory Reset You will be presented with the following three options Explained here: Reset (Without Network Configuration)—Retain the IP addresses […]