Ensure you run this on a XA box connected to the farm you want to interrogate and ensure that the XASDK6.5 from citrix is installed from HERE Run the following command from the XenApp SDK Powershell Prompt: Get-XAApplication | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property BrowserName | Out-File c:pubapps.txt
These are the keys we imported and exported before finally using Appsense Personalisation These were used in conjunction with a mandatory profile. Remember that a mandatory profile will not work well with I.E or user based certificates. There is another post here about changing the user to look like a ‘non mandatory’ user for the duration […]
The following commands will recreate or open a ‘Printers’ folder rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder %windir%explorer.exe /e,::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} control.exe printers This can be used to publish a printers folder via Citrix XenApp %windir%explorer.exe /e,::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D
I hate the C:\Windows\WINSXS folder. The size it takes up is a complete joke even BEFORE apps or windows updates. These are some of the commands that I have found in the past (with varying success) to try and reduce the size of this rediculous folder. It is rare that I have run this on a production environment, but […]
Situation: we had migrated our desktop from Xenapp 5.0 on w2008 sp2 (non r2) to XenApp6.5 2008 R2. This included an upgrade to Appsense 8.3 and introduction of Appsense personalisation. Older applications still left on the old desktop needed the printer settings from the new desktop. We had to set our new Appsense EM to hive the printer settings to the […]
Scenario: When installing the APP-V server side components and pointing to the SQL database sometimes we would get the following message. Our user account had full rights to the SQL instance and was a local admin of the APP-V box. Error: The installation program could not connect to the configuration data store. Please see the installation […]
Screipt provided will change the password associated with the PDF Printer AMYUNI Documet Converter 400. This had to be automated as our PVS environment couldnt be updated everytime we wanted to change the devices password company wide. START SCRIPT—————————————————– Option Explicit ‘ This VB script can be used to configure the installed printer Dim PRINTER_NAME PRINTER_NAME = “PDFPRNxx” Dim […]
Exact Error: The application took too long to be ready to interact with the user, possibly because the system was too busy. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists Report the following error code to your System Administrator Error code: 4604EE8-0B01FE04-0000041E Solution: seems to be realted to a number of JAVA applications, in […]
https://(ipaddress of esx host)/mob/?moid=ha-host&doPath=capability
Assuming here that your ESXi environment is already nested and configured appropriately. Power Off the guest ooerating system you want to enable FT for Disconnect the CD / DVD (or select client devic eoption) GO to options tab and sele the Advanced / General Button ON right hand side click configuration parameters button Add 3 […]