To backup the New windows 7 start menu ‘jump lists’ links for things like recent items for Word, excel etc open the EM Agent and get it to copy the following folders at log on and logoff At Logon copy the following \homeservershare%username%WINDOWSRecentAutomaticDestinations and \homeservershare%username%WINDOWSRecentCustomDestinations (including subfolders) TO %APPDATA%MicrosoftWindowsRecentAutomaticDestinations and %APPDATA%MicrosoftWindowsRecentCustomDestinations At logoff Reverse the […]
Error: There is no more space for the virtual disk XXX.vmdk. You might be able to continue this session by freeing disk space on the relevant volume. Notes: I had no idea that was a snapshot on this home file server so was a surprise when i simply tried to move the vmdk file – […]
A list of the common EventID’s I always want to search for but can never remember. Log Name: Security EventID: 4624 – Discover Successful logon account ID’s local or on DCs Log Name: System Source: bugcheck EventID: 1001 – the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck Log Name: System Source: EventLog EventID: 6008 – previous system shutdown […]
IIS 7.0 logging is NOT enabled by default. You must add this as an additional role service under Health and Diagnostics > HTTP Logging. Default path to logs is: %SystemDrive%inetpublogsLogFiles Error Codes (taken from here 1xx – Informational These status codes indicate a provisional response. The client should be prepared to receive one or […]
We upgraded our netscalers to NS10.0 Build: 70.7 nc. After authenticating with our AD credentials we would sometimes (all the time) get a blank console pointing to the address http://NETSCALER/menu/neo Workaround: Log in and point the console to http://NETSCALER/menu/guia Solution: ?
Ensure you run this on a XA box connected to the farm you want to interrogate and ensure that the XASDK6.5 from citrix is installed from HERE Run the following command from the XenApp SDK Powershell Prompt: Get-XAApplication | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property BrowserName | Out-File c:pubapps.txt
These are the keys we imported and exported before finally using Appsense Personalisation These were used in conjunction with a mandatory profile. Remember that a mandatory profile will not work well with I.E or user based certificates. There is another post here about changing the user to look like a ‘non mandatory’ user for the duration […]
The following commands will recreate or open a ‘Printers’ folder rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder %windir%explorer.exe /e,::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} control.exe printers This can be used to publish a printers folder via Citrix XenApp %windir%explorer.exe /e,::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D
I hate the C:\Windows\WINSXS folder. The size it takes up is a complete joke even BEFORE apps or windows updates. These are some of the commands that I have found in the past (with varying success) to try and reduce the size of this rediculous folder. It is rare that I have run this on a production environment, but […]