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KBArticles Scripts, Commands, Registry

Appsense Hiving for users Printers but default not saving?

Situation: we had migrated our desktop from Xenapp 5.0 on w2008 sp2 (non r2) to XenApp6.5 2008 R2. This included an upgrade to Appsense 8.3 and introduction of Appsense personalisation. Older applications still left on the old desktop needed the printer settings from the new desktop. We had to set our new Appsense EM to hive the printer settings to the […]


App-V DB Install Error

Scenario: When installing the APP-V server side components and pointing to the SQL database sometimes we would get the following message. Our user account had full rights to the SQL instance and was a local admin of the APP-V box. Error: The installation program could not connect to the configuration data store. Please see the installation […]

Scripts, Commands, Registry

PDF Converter Script

Screipt provided will change the password associated with the PDF Printer AMYUNI Documet Converter 400. This had to be automated as our PVS environment couldnt be updated everytime we wanted to change the devices password company wide. START SCRIPT—————————————————– Option Explicit ‘ This VB script can be used to configure the installed printer Dim PRINTER_NAME PRINTER_NAME = “PDFPRNxx” Dim […]


Help Files not working over Network or When under Citrix Published App

We had a stupid applicaiton that published itself from a network share – including the help files. Windows introduced security for this from Internet explorer to block these from running etc to change the security for these help files to be displayed follow this   REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftHTMLHelp1.xItssRestrictions] “MaxAllowedZone”=dword:00000001

Scripts, Commands, Registry

App-V Application refresh failure with same name

Situation: we had recently repackaged a new verson of an applicaiton and though the ucn path had changed, the APP-V name was identical. Error: The Application Virtualization Client cannot use the OSD file specified because the GUID attribute for the CODEBASE element changed (rc 0C403B04-00001004). Solution: under sftcmc.msc the properties of the app showed the OSD file pointing to the previous […]


Edgesight some devices not updating

  Errors: EventID: 1309 Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Event time: 21/11/2012 05:09:03 Event time (UTC): 21/11/2012 05:09:03 Event ID: 253f40dc21e443718a8b4ae7da0f3f58 Event sequence: 19 Event occurrence: 4 Event detail code: 0 Application information: Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/edgesight-1-129979474088414087 Trust level: Full Application Virtual Path: /edgesight Application Path: C:Program Files (x86)CitrixSystem MonitoringServerEdgeSightPages   […]