Scenario: During the installation of Logic 9 (Logic Studio) and on Mac OS X 10.8, the installer can prompt for the next CD / DVD but not actually eject the current disc. A force eject doesnt work, and no amount of prodding, poking or ejecting or draging to the trash, or using disk util works… […]
:TestAgain CLS IF NOT EXIST c:FOLDERALERT_* GOTO NOALERT “C:windowssndrec32.exe” /play /Close “C:WINDOWSMEDIAWindows Ringin.wav” REm Start /MIN “C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe” “C:WINDOWSMEDIAWindows Ringin.wav” REM “%SystemRoot%system32SoundRecorder.exe” /CLOSE /PLAY “C:WINDOWSMEDIAWindows Ringin.wav” PING -n 5 -w 2000 >NUL Rem Taskkill /IM “WMplayer.exe” /F PING -n 5 -w 2000 >NUL GOTO TestAgain :NOALERT PING -n 5 -w 4000 >NUL […]
Situation: when creating the new Edgesight SSRS solution the following changes had to be made to the SSRS server to allow the Edgesight to create folder, and upoad all its Reports etc Solution: Log into SSRS as Administrator Click on site settings choose security add the necessary user (edgesiht admin account) as a system administrator… Test link Got to […]
Situation: When creating a new subscription report in edgesight you may get Error Message: An error occurred creating the subscription: An attempt has been made to use a delivery extension that is not registered for this report server. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.DeliveryExtensionNotFoundException: An attempt has been made to use a delivery extension that is […]
Scenario: A password protected printer, where the password changes every month. We had to manually enter the new password when our PVS images were rebooted, as we didnt want to update the PVS image with just a password change (we hadnt introduced DFS-R for the PVS image management so it was manual and time consuming) Solution: EXPORT the settings to a […]
Copy of script used to further ‘generalize’ our XenApp servers before cloning via PVS __ BEGIN SCRIPT ___ REM clear event logs wevtutil cl System wevtutil cl Security wevtutil cl Application wevtutil cl Setup wevtutil cl “Forwarded Events” REM Stop Edgesight and Delete database net stop RsCorSvc net stop FirebirdServerCSMInstance del “C:ProgramDataCitrixSystem MonitoringDataRSDATR.FDB” /q del […]
Citrix App Controller (ovf) Virtual Appliance: User: administrator; Pass: password, Default IP:, Management: https://AppControllerIPaddress:4443/ControlPoint Netscaler VPX / Netscaler Insight: user: nsroot, pass: nsroot RESET OpenFiler: (Openfiler ESA 2.99.2) WEB Configuration;user: openfiler: password: password; User:root; set during install Netgear Router DG834G: user: admin, pass: password, Default IP: Citrix Access Gateway Appliance 2000 / 2010: […]
Setting the following keys will allow app-v packages to be installed from the packages MSI (if the option is ticked for said package when sequencing) this should then allow for the packages to be run in offline / disconnect mode indefinitely. MSI Install Example: msiexec.exe /i “app-v msi package” sftpath=”path to matching package sft file” Registry […]
Problem: When pointing Xen Desktop 5.6 to a VMWARE management center you may receive the following error. Error Message: Unable to contact the hypervisor. Check that the address, user name, and password are correct; the Controller and hypervisor are connected; and the SSL certificates have been set up correctly if you are using HTTPS. For more information see: CTX131512 […]
Situation: Office 2010 installed on Windows 2008 R2 with XenApp 6.5. App-V with Excel 2003 packaged with old Excel 2003 add-in When the App-V Excel 2003 Application was open – All excel files opened there after or double clicked – would be converted and loaded into the App-V Excel 2003. When attachments from outlook 2010 were […]