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Edgesight 5 not working on Xenapp 6.5 in Private mode with Provisioning Services 5.0

Scenario: Edgesight 5.6 not working on Xenapp 6.5 in Private mode with Provisioning Services 5.0 The edgesight agent would run locally without issue – but little to no data would be uploaded for each the server for users logons when running reports etc etc The edgesight server would report a duplicate entry for registered servers after every reboot […]


App-V Sequencing Application doesnt exit

During sequencing and app-v application after sequencing and then runing the first stream for optimisation – the package can launch but not quit out. The following fixes have worked for me on various occasions 1. <IMPLEMENTATION> <CODEBASE HREF=”RTSP://%streamingserver%/PACKAGEPATH/PACKAGENAME.sft” GUID=”BLAH-BLAH” PARAMETERS=”” FILENAME=”PACKAGEPATHEXECUTABLE.exe” SYSGUARDFILE=”PACKAGEPATHosguard.cp” SIZE=”163917615″/>   <VIRTUALENV TERMINATECHILDREN=”TRUE”> <POLICIES> <LOCAL_INTERACTION_ALLOWED>FALSE</LOCAL_INTERACTION_ALLOWED> </VM> </IMPLEMENTATION> 2. The application had a printer driver […]


Domain Join fails with 'network location cannot be reached'

Scenario:  When trying to join a domain with any windows flacour pc or server sometimes you will get the following ambigious error. The network is UP, the machine is pingable and DNS resolves as expected. Error Message: The Following error occured attempting to join the domain “”: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, […]


Security Logs Windows 2008 R2

4740 – Account lockout, (giving user and the workstation thats actually locking out the account.) 5136 – Group policy links added or deleted 2013 – disk space at or near exhaustion   4727 – A security-enabled global group was created. 4728 – A member was added to a security-enabled global group. 4730 – A security-enabled global […]


Windows 2008 Error Reporting Capture

Registry File: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsWindows Error ReportingLocalDumps] “DumpFolder”=hex(2):43,00,3a,00,5c,00,43,00,72,00,61,00,73,00,68,00,44,00,75,   00,6d,00,70,00,73,00,00,00 “DumpCount”=dword:00000010 “DumpType”=dword:00000002  Will output to C:CrashDumps – Ensure this folder is created and exists and system and auth users have full control to write here… Reference:


Citrix Password Manager Single Sign on Registration launching for non members and admin accounts

Problem: All company users to be managed by password manager were added to group DOMAINPWDMGR. Administrators were not members of this group. When administrators logged onto a server / xenapp server with the SSO Agent installed the logon would hang / crash with sshoshell.exe running but with a blank desktop displayed. Terminating teh ssoshell.exe process would release the logon […]