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Citrix ICA SSL Error on MAC OSX

Author: James Scanlon Updated: 07/02/2012  CITRIX SSL Error On Mac OSX When logging into Citrix on MAC OSX using Firefox, some users may get the following error’You have not chosen to trust “Verisign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL SGC CA”, the issuer of the server’s security certificate (SSL error 183)’ Open Firefox preferences + Advanced Tab View Certificates […]


Windows 2003 MSMQ Access is Denied

Problem: When setting permissions on a private MSMQueue we were getting an “Error: Access is denied.” when applying as the local administrator. The security descriptor cannot be set. Error. Access is denied. Unable to save permission changes on Xprivate$queue_name (null) Solution: Taking ownership of the queues and adding the permissions manually did not work. Create a […]


XenServer Mount USB from HOST

Situation: USB Drive attached to the XenServer host, need to mount directly into a VM for removable usb drive access. Solution: Download the usbmount.bat from Edit the file with your xenserver details  and your vm and usb uuid’s. HOW DO I FIND MY XENSERVER VM UUID? bring up a console session on the XenServer […]


XenServer Tools not registering with XenCenter Host

Problem: Windows 7 Installed XENTools – but after multiple attempts and installations its still not registered in XenCenter 6.0 Also ensure the RPC Service are running. Solution: Install .net Framework 4.0 FULL (including extended features) – MSCONFIG can play a part in this also – in my instance i had to restart all services […]


XenApp Log Disconnected session

Problem: The XENAPP servers are not recording the session disconnects Solution: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCitrix] “LogBrokenConnections”=dword:00000001 Event Log: System Event Type: Warning Event Log ID: 9032 Tested on: XenApp 5.0 FP3w R01, Windows Server 2008 SP2 x64 Standard & Enterprise


CA Certificate Services Unable to Install Certification Authority Web Enrollment on 2008

Situation:we had migrate from Windows 2003 DC x32 to Windows 2008 DC x64 for certificate servers.Everything working fine until the last steop of importing the old registry settings. When adding the server role of CA Web Enrollment we received the following error message Error Message: Cannot Install Certificate Authority Web Enrollment Active Directory Certificate Services […]