Situation:Citrix Support the volume control sync / mute of a Desktop session to also control the HDX media volume playing out on the client. Problem:After upgrading to Citrix Receiver 3.0 this functionality stopped.HDX Flash Content would be streamed to the client side and would play, but if the XenApp session volume was muted – the […]
PROBLEM: After we removed the citrix desktop lockdown, and tried to launch a citrix desktop / application we received. MESSAGE: “Citrix online plug-in Configuration Manager: No value could be found for (ClientHostedApps) that satisfies all lockdown requirements. The lockdown requirements in force may be conflicting”. RESOLUTION: 1. goto HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownVirtual ChannelControl 2. Delete […]
SituationNumerous roaming profiles without the administrator added for NTFS permissions. Access was denied for copying, moving etc. Native tools for taking ownership of multiple folders and files for end user profiles. Command Taking OwnershipTAKEOWN.exe /F <folderpath> /R /A /D Y /F = path/R=recurvise/A=owner to administrators rather than logged on user/D = default answer to setting list […]
Problem After extracting a number of files from a ZIP file windows kept track of these files as dangerous by means of the files ‘stream’ (ie tracking where the file originated from) Typically to allow these files to execute you need to Right click the file > properties > UNBLOCK “This file came from another computer […]
‘VBSCRIPT Set wshShell = Wscript.CreateObject (“”) strUSER = inputbox(“Enter User Name”,”Enter User Name”) “cmd.exe /c dsquery user -name ” & Chr(34) & strUSER & Chr(34) & ” | dsmod user -disabled no & pause” set wshshell = nothing
To “see inside a published app” when its published / installed on an APP-V serverrun from a command prompt sfttray.exe /exe cmd.exe “APPLICATION NAME”
Situation: We were running XenApp 5.0, windows 2008 SP2 and Appsense EM. PNAgent.exe was listed as a startup item for each user in the mandatory profile. Sometimes this would NOT start even though their profile path had not changed. Resolution: Delete the file listed below if the path to the end users appsense repository. (registry hives) […]
Enable MSI Verbose Logging / Debug Logging Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller]“logging”= “voicewarmup” “debug”=dword:00000007 Disable MSI Versbose Logging / Debug Logging Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller]“logging”=-“debug”=-
Problem: After installation of Office 2010 (we also had various previous version of office 2003, 2007 etc visio, project,Visual Studio 2010, Sharepoint Designer 2010) Outlook would continually try to run a ‘Just in time install’ Error Message 1: Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office professional Plus 2010. It would then ask to reboot – and […]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters] “Schema Update Allowed”=dword:00000001