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KBArticles Uncategorized

user cannot log onto specific windows 2008 server – profile is locked – or doesnt exists (has been deleted) but user still cannot logon

Check the profile isnt locked on in use on the server (System Properties > Advanced System Settings> User profiles > Settings > delete the profile for the user in question If that doesnt exist and the user is still having issues logging in (in our instance it was even after rebooting)delete HKLMSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS NTCURRENTVERSIONPROFILELISTUSER SID Error Message: […]

KBArticles Scripts, Commands, Registry Uncategorized

VBScript to check Citrix Logons

This script will run for all listed citrix servers to check if logons are enabled or disabled remotely.its just a remote registry query coupled with an array, basic but functional.. 🙂 —————————————————————————————————-‘START SCRIPTconst HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Dim oReg, strKeyPath, strValueName, strDisabled, objArgs, strComputer, arrComputersarrComputers = Array(“server1″,”server2″”) sOutput = “Logons Enabled(0) or Disabled(1)” & VBCRLF & […]