The application virtualization client could nto launch.An unexpected error occurred. 4604EE8-0B017604-0000040F Resolution: Check the permissions on the servers c:AppVirt – Folder (or whereever softgrid cache is installed), if ok replace all existing permissions on all descendants from the parent object.Can be as simple as user getting an access denied on the icon cache for the troubled […]
Thjis was a script that was accessing AD to export a list of usersSome user had the “/” character in the name – the following addition fixed the script to run correctly For Each strMemberDN in objGroup.MemberstrMemberDN = Replace(strMemberDN, “/”, “/”)Set objMember = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strMemberDN)Wscript.Echo objMember.cnNext
Citrix Edgesight supports automatic daylight savings for US only (apparently) all other unlucky countries need to manually turn it on and off. š Solution: Edgesight 5.1: Company Configuration > Agent Settings > Daylight savings > Off / On Edgesight 5.4: Company Configuration > Settings > Daylight Savings Off / On
Create this and place in the following folderC:Program FilesCitrixEuemServiceSemsService.exe.config(citrix edgesight 5.1) Extract of ServiceSemsService.exe.config <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <configuration> <runtime> <generatePublisherEvidence enabled=”false” /> </runtime> </configuration> Reference:
Ā Description of Error: Windows could not start the application virualization client service on local computer. Error 1114: A dynamic link library (DLL) initilization routine failed. Solution1: Our previous global data directory was set ioncorrectly and preventing the service from starting (weirdĀ I know) Change the Previous GLobal Data Dir to match that of GlobalDataDirectory in the […]
Setup: Windows 2003 R2 SP2, XenApp 5.0, Seamless ApplicationsProblem: A seamless session would launch for the program, then instantly quit again with WFShell stuck on ‘end process’ – the application would work once after reboot (intermittantly)The seamless window would just disappear with little in the way of errors logged locally. Resolution: Turned out to be […]
Problem: The Application Virtualisation Client could not launch XAn unexpected error occured. Report the following error code to your System Administrator.Error Code: 4604EE8-0B017604-0000040F Solution: Delete the clients (users) cache for AppV for the application Check the applications .pkg file on the local share of the server is definitely the latest version of the package. (in our […]
Old Systemwhen opening an excel 2003 spreadsheet that dynamically updated from other sources on our old on our old metaframe XP 3.0, windows 2000, ie6 system the excel spreadsheet would launch and update the sources fine (when launched from the intranet zone) Opening the Web Toolbar in excel after launch would show the file launched […]
LogMinSeverity 5 = verboseExtracted from Windows 2008 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftSoftGrid4.5ClientConfiguration]“LogMinSeverity”=dword:00000005“LogFileName”=”C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Application Virtualization Client\sftlog.txt”
Resolution: Include the Additional certificates in the CA chain requried for the verification UP to the root CA. In this instance the verisign cert had 2 intermediate certs between the ROOT and the Server cert. These were included in the .PEM file for the trusted root certificates to import into the CAG. See the bottom of […]