The below script will find the adapter called “Local Area Connection” and give is a dnssearchsuffix of ‘Change the Computers DNS Search Suffix DNSDomain = “” NetConnName = “Local Area Connection” strComputer = “.” Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” _ & “{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & strComputer & “rootcimv2”) Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ (“Select […]
‘ Change the Computers Current Computer Description Set oShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)strDescriptionMod = inputbox(“Enter a New Computer Description”,””)oshell.RegWrite “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameterssrvcomment”, strDescriptionMod, “REG_SZ”
Description: reoccuring outlook calendar entry corrupt, trying to open it promts with “Can’t Open item” Resolution: A number of solutions on the web, none of which worked. Clear the forms cache in outlook removing outlook add-ins delete the frmcache.dat file (this was terminal server) and no other users had the problem Final solution was to […]
Server: Windows 2008 and mandatory user profiles. Error: An Internal error occured. Either the user profile is not accessible or the private key that you are importing might require cryptographic service provider that is not installed on your system. Solution: Mandatory profiles do NOT allow the import of user certificates – users must be roaming […]
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Resolution: Install MSVCPlus from here URL Reference:
Error ScreenShot: Resolution: Copy the Notes Directory (h:notes7) and change the notes.ini file to point to the new database location. In this instance of the fix the citrix server had LOCKED the users database files, and needed to be rebooted, this was a workaround. URL Reference:
Error Screenshot: Resolution: Enter the full path to the file including the files name ie: http://awesomecitrixserver6942/pnagent/config.xm
Description: System doesnt boot from HDD after the initial windows setup has formatted the drive and copied filesExact Error Msg: Press any key to boot from CD. Disk Error. Press any key to restart<!–Exact Error Screenshot:–>Resolution: This error will occur if during the Windows install, the option “Leave the current file system intact (no changes)” […]
Error Screenshot: Resolution: The end user was forcecd to utilise a proxy server and because the ICA file did not have proxy detection enabled (ProxyType=Auto) The web interface at the Hosting side needs to have this enabled, as a workaround the fix can be added to the ica file manually as a once off.