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Resolution: Install MSVCPlus from here URL Reference:
Error ScreenShot: Resolution: Copy the Notes Directory (h:notes7) and change the notes.ini file to point to the new database location. In this instance of the fix the citrix server had LOCKED the users database files, and needed to be rebooted, this was a workaround. URL Reference:
Error Screenshot: Resolution: Enter the full path to the file including the files name ie: http://awesomecitrixserver6942/pnagent/config.xm
Description: System doesnt boot from HDD after the initial windows setup has formatted the drive and copied filesExact Error Msg: Press any key to boot from CD. Disk Error. Press any key to restart<!–Exact Error Screenshot:–>Resolution: This error will occur if during the Windows install, the option “Leave the current file system intact (no changes)” […]
Error Screenshot: Resolution: The end user was forcecd to utilise a proxy server and because the ICA file did not have proxy detection enabled (ProxyType=Auto) The web interface at the Hosting side needs to have this enabled, as a workaround the fix can be added to the ica file manually as a once off.
Error Screenshot: Resolution/s: Check the connection Settings in TCSS.msc – ensure there are no connection limits under network adapter. Ensure WI / CSG / CAG can access the server directly via DNS and IP. The network configuration is not configured appropriately to allow the citrix client access to the specified access gateway or the local […]
Exact Error Msg: Printer auto-creation failure. Reason: AddPrinter() failed with status 0x704. Client name: (WI_9cjMCmWd29IML-r3I) Printer name: (Canon MP750 Series Printer (from WI_9cjMCmWd29IML-r3I) in session 7) Port name: (Client:7:Canon MP750 Series Printer) Driver name: (Citrix Universal Printer) Print processor: (Citrix Print Processor) Resolution: After a R02 upgrade the citrix specific version of the DLL files […]
Add the followign registry key Subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Entry: UserEnvDebugLevel Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 10002 (Hexadecimal) UserEnvDebugLevel can have the following values: NONE 0x00000000 NORMAL 0x00000001 VERBOSE 0x00000002 LOGFILE 0x00010000 DEBUGGER 0x00020000 Saved to – %Systemroot%DebugUserModeUserenv.log URL Reference:
Resolution: dcom permissions incorrect for CDFSVC, add security group user Distributed COM Users At a command prompt run dcomcnfg.Expand the tree to CdfSvc as shown in the following screen shot. . Right-click CdfSvc > Properties and in the Security tab add the Distributed COM Users (local) group. URL References: