Keywords: citrix; installation manager, deploy patch Description: Exact Error Msg: deploying a batch file via installation manager doesnt work via I.M (citrix installation manager) account; Installation failed. MSI Error 1603, also errors about not discovering the correct version of java. the batch file would work as a user logged in but not as I.M account. Resolution: Determined the […]
Keywords: field codes; Microsoft word, annoying Description: field codes are being displayed instead of the documents hyperlinks and ToC Exact Error Msg: NA EXAMPLE Table of Contents – {TOC o “1-3” h z } Hyperlinks Resolution: UNCHECK the field codes radio button.ALT+F9 or WORD> TOOLS> OPTIONS> VIEW> untick Field Codes. Tested: Y Fixed: Y URL […]
Keywords: Jarcache, sun, java, Description: Changing the JARCACHE directory Exact Error Msg: Resolution: The files that configure the jarcache directory are listed as follows. %systemdir%sunjavadeploymentdeployment.config Deployment.Config (basically just calls the properties file) deployment.system.config=file:/C:/windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/ deployment.system.config.mandatory=false deployment.system.cachedir=h:\jarcache deployment.user.cachedir=h:\jarcache If these files do not exist Java will default to the users profile (%userprofile%) for its jarcache […]
Keywords: citrix, citrix ssl relay; ssl error 40 Description: Streamed application cannot be accessed directly on a Pres Server under Program Neighborhood and the following error message occurs Exact Error Msg: Cannot connect to the Citrix Presentation Server. The Citrix SSL Relay name could not be resolved (SSL error 40) Exact Error Screenshot: Resolution: The […]
Description: Terminal server clock is disabled by default Resolution: [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerStuckRects2] “Settings”=hex:28,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,02,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,3c,00,00,00,1e, 00,00,00,fe,ff,ff,ff,e4,03,00,00,02,05,00,00,02,04,00,00 URLReference:
Keywords: CAG under VMWARE; citrix access gateway; virtualisation Description: Get Access Gateway working under a VMWARE server platform Can it be done: Yes it Works, easier to copy the VMC from the website (attached below) also, otherwise its likely you will get the config settings incorrect including the serial port to named pipes with a […]
Exact Error Message: Error: “Your configuration change cannot be made because the logging database is unavailable”; An error occurred .Try performing the task again “A connection could not be established to the configuration logging database ” Resolution: dcom permissions incorrect for CDFSVC, add security group user Distributed COM Users URL References:
Keywords: auto created printers; citrix printing; individual citrix servers not auto creating client printers Description: Individual citrix servers not auto creating client printers.Citrix settings, citrix policies and user AD configurations are ok. Exact Error Msg: NA Resolution: Need to check that the ctx_cpsvcuser account is added to the permission for the ICA-TCP services, with […]
Keywords: ima service; server; failed to start; citrix Exact Error Message: The IMA Service failed to start with error code 2147483649 Resolution: 1) Verify that both TMP and TEMP environment variables are pointing to %systemroot%temp, 2) recreate the localhostcache with the IMA service stopped. (“dsmaint recreatelhc” from command prompt) 3) Set the service […]
Keywords: XTE Service, Password Manager, Service Configuration Description: XTE Services fails to start and after password manager service configuration is run using, local service, network service or domain admin account. Resolution: The Password manager service config “Data Proxy” or “Self Service Features Account” had an invalid domain name specified or they differ from . Each […]