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R02 XenApp 4.5 upgrade renders error in cutildll.dll

Keywords: ctxgetlogonid; cutildll.dll Description: After R02 application installation to XenApp 4.5 – You receive the following error Exact Error MSG: The procedure entry point ctxgetlogonid could not be located in the dynamic link library cutildll.dll  Exact Error Screenshot: Resolution:  It was missing from %systemroot%system32 – restore the file to the windowssystem32 from c:program filescitrixsystem32

KBArticles Uncategorized

"You don't have appropriate permission to perform this operation"

Problem: Opening vmware server console can sometimes render the following error. “You don’t have appropriate permission to perform this operation” “You don’t have appropriate permission to perform this operation”  Resolution: Two basic reasons that past this has occured for me – 1)The VMC file is set as read only and 2) The VMC file added […]

KBArticles Uncategorized

After Xenapp 4.5 R02 upgrade auto created client printers are no longer connected

Description: auto created printers not working, R02 upgrade, Exact EventID: 1116 Exact Error Msg: Printer auto-creation failure. Reason: AddPrinter() failed with status 0x704. Client name: (WI_9cjMCmWd29IML-r3I) Printer name: (Canon MP750 Series Printer (from WI_9cjMCmWd29IML-r3I) in session 7) Port name: (Client:7:Canon MP750 Series Printer) Driver name: (Citrix Universal Printer) Print processor: (Citrix Print Processor) Exact Error […]

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Debug user logons in Windows 2003

Description: how to enable user logon debug Resolution: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]Entry: UserEnvDebugLevel Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 10002 (Hexadecimal) UserEnvDebugLevel can have the following values: NONE 0x00000000 NORMAL 0x00000001 VERBOSE 0x00000002 LOGFILE 0x00010000 DEBUGGER 0x00020000 Saved to – %Systemroot%DebugUserModeUserenv.log URL Reference: