Problem From time to time there seems to be some ongoing issues where Apple Mac OSX Security and Privacy Allow Button is not working. No matter how many times you click ‘allow’ it simple doesn’t function (yet the button highlights blue as if its been pressed) and this happens regardless of whether you unlock the […]
My Logic Project Files are saved directly to my Google Drive on my macbook. I have obviously had an error with the synchronisation of a logic X project file and when trying to open it received the error The file “Projectinformation.pslist” couldn’t be opened because the is no such file. Resolution: I havent tested this […]
Scenario: During the installation of Logic 9 (Logic Studio) and on Mac OS X 10.8, the installer can prompt for the next CD / DVD but not actually eject the current disc. A force eject doesnt work, and no amount of prodding, poking or ejecting or draging to the trash, or using disk util works… […]